6 Ocak 2014 Pazartesi

Atlas Of Creation - Volume 3-

Fossil Specimens of Land Animals (2/2)

Weasel Skull

Age: 60 million years
Period: Paleocene
Location: Shan Dong, China
In examining evolutionist publications, one reads a great many stories adorned with plentiful scientific terminology on the subject of how reptiles turned into mammals. But one never finds there any rational, scientific explanation of how cold-blooded reptiles began manufacturing their own body heat and thus changed into warm-blooded mammals, or how they managed to exchange their scales for fur, or how they managed to begin producing milk in the absence of the necessary glands.
That’s because evolutionists have no answers to such questions. If you ask a Darwinist if there are any fossils that demonstrate such a change, you will receive a profound silence. Because despite all their endeavors, evolutionists have never discovered any such fossil.

Wolverine Skull

Age: 60 million years
Period: Paleocene
Location: Gan Su, China
Evolutionists’ scenarios regarding the origin of mammals are nothing more than stretching of their imaginations. There is not the slightest evidence for any of their claims, and it is scientifically impossible for reptiles to turn into mammals. As revealed by the 60-million-year-old fossil pictured, no mammal with its own unique characteristics came into being from a common ancestor. All mammalian species have survived unchanged throughout their time on Earth.

Tiger Skull

Age: 80 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location:Gan Su, China
In his book Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, the science writer Richard Milton describes how Darwinists, despite all their misleading efforts, lack any scientific evidence to support their theory: "It is impossible for the genuinely objective person to say, 'Here is the conclusive scientific proof that I have been looking for.’" (Richard Milton, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, p. 14.)
As Milton states, anyone seeking hard evidence for the theory of evolution will return empty-handed. One subject that will cause such a person the greatest disappointment is the fossil record. Research over the last 150 years or so has unearthed not a single specimen to support the theory of evolution. All fossil findings unanimously declare that living things did not evolve, but were created.