10 Aralık 2013 Salı

Atlas Of Creation - Volume 3-


Age: 36 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Si Chuan, China
As a basis for claiming that human beings are descended from apes, Darwinists point to the imitative ability of certain species of monkey. Monkeys are able to mimic actions and behavior they see, but this does not allow them to eventually evolve into human beings. If it did, then other species of animal also known to be intelligent should also have become possessed of human attributes. Parrots, for example, are also able to mimic human speech. Therefore, according to Darwinists’ nonsensical claims, there must be a greater likelihood of parrots developing human speech.
Countless findings, such as the 36-million-year-old monkey skull illustrated here, prove that living things have always remained the same, have never changed, and never developed into any other life form—and that it’s meaningless to insist on such illogical claims.


Age: 83 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China
If evolutionist claims were true, then there should once have been a very odd creature bearing features of both the antelope and some other life form. These animals, of which there is no trace in the fossil record, should immediately be identifiable, due to their sharing characteristics belonging to two different species, and should also exhibit an example of the supposed forebear-descendent relationship claimed by evolutionists. Yet not one single such intermediate form has ever been exhibited in evolutionist publications, which are filled with countless other myths and fictitious scenarios.
That is because no such fossil exists. And that is in turn because no such life form ever existed at any time.
Like the 83-million-year-old antelope in the picture, all living things have come down to the present day in exactly the same form in which they were first created. Natural history refutes evolutionist claims.


Age: 80 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Du Lan County, Qing Hai, China
Fossil findings are one of the countless proofs that Creation is a manifest truth. The 80-million-year-old wolf  skull in the illustration, for example, is one of life forms that never changed over the course of millions of years. This is proof that it was created, and that evolution never happened.
Evolutionists, on the other hand, have no evidence to support their theories One would expect evolutionists to display some three to five intermediate-form fossils that support their claims, if they actually possessed any. If they cannot do that, and never will be able to, then they have to explain why they have portrayed their illusions as reality for so many years.
The time has now come for Darwinists to stop fantasizing and see the truth in the face of the millions of fossils that prove Creation.