12 Aralık 2013 Perşembe

Atlas Of Creation - Volume 3-


Age: 5 million years
Period: Miocene
Location: China
As has already been made clear, the theory of evolution claims that various imaginary life forms emerged from the seas and by way of incremental changes, became reptiles; and that birds then evolved from reptiles. According to the same scenario, reptiles are the forerunners not only of birds, but also of mammals. But the hypothesis that reptiles evolved into mammals has no scientific basis, as the fossil record shows. Despite all the excavations carried out to date, not a single intermediate form linking reptiles to mammals has ever been found. Nor can any such transitional form be discovered in the future, because no such life form ever existed. That is why the evolutionist Roger Lewin was forced to write that "The transition to the first mammal, ... is still an enigma." (Roger Lewin, "Bones of Mammals’ Ancestors Fleshed Out," Science, Volume 212, 26 June 1981, p. 1492)


Age: 33 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: White River Formation, Converse County, Wyoming, USA
If Darwinists’ claims were true, then an odd-looking rabbit fossil with a skull as yet partly developed, with only half ears and a half jaw, should have been found in the excavations carried out so far. But no such semi-developed rabbit fossil has ever been seen. Every rabbit fossil discovered has fully formed, and flawless characteristics, just like the 33-million-year fossil pictured. That being the case, it is meaningless for Darwinists to persist in their claims, since the fossil findings do not support them.
The fact revealed by science is not evolution, but Creation.


Age: 5 to 1.8 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Asia
The fox is a species of mammal belonging to the family Canidae (canines). The fox skull in the illustration is around 5 million years old and possesses exactly the same features as modern-day foxes. Every new fossil discovery demolishes evolutionist beliefs and obliges evolutionists to come up with new scenarios, since all fossils unearthed to date are incompatible with their imaginings. But their new scenarios are immediately refuted, and evolutionists continue to strive in vain.


Age: 12 to 7 million years
Period: Miocene
Location: China
With its teeth, skull and jaw structure, the raccoon fossil pictured is identical to present-day raccoons. This once again demonstrates that living things have remained in the exact state in which they first appear in the fossil record—in other words, that they have never evolved. Living fossils show that life forms did not evolve, but were created.
Species did not acquire their present bodily structures by undergoing the chance-based process of change, as maintained by evolutionists. They were all flawlessly created by Almighty God, and have persisted in exactly the same form as that in which they were first created throughout the course of their survival time on Earth.