5 Ocak 2013 Cumartesi

How Fossils Overturned Evolution

bee, fly, fossil
Bee Fly
Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
Even after some 150 years of fossil research, not even one intermediate form fossil showing a link between two different life forms has ever been found. Every fossil discovered reveals that living things have come into being with all their characteristics already intact, and have been created. One such fossil is the 50-million-year-old bee fly pictured. Bee flies have remained unaltered and have maintained all their characteristics despite the intervening 50 million years—living proof that evolution never occurred.

gnat, fossil
Turkey Gnat
Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
If evolutionist claims were true, and living species were constantly changing since the day they first appeared, then species alive tens of millions of years ago should not at all resemble those living today. Development, change and progress should be observed everywhere. Yet the fossil record reveals the exact opposite. The scenarios of progressive development that appear in evolutionist papers and journals are all fantasies, totally divorced from reality—as is described even in evolutionist books:
Has there been progress in evolution? Are recent plants and animals more advanced then their predecessor, or at least more complex? Of course not. (Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis, The Origin and Evolution of Life in the Sea, Penguin Books, 2001, p. 7)

scydmaenidae, fossil, stone, beetle
Ant-Like Stone Beetle (Scydmaenidae)
Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
One hundred million years is a relatively long time for any life form’s completion of the supposed evolutionary development. If evolutionists’ views were accurate, then over the course of all that time, ant-like stone beetles should have turned into very different forms and should bear no resemblance to beetles still alive today. Yet despite the passage of millions of years, ant-like stone beetles—like all other life forms—have undergone not the slightest change. They were the same 100 million years ago as they are today, which makes any reference to evolution impossible.