5 Ocak 2013 Cumartesi

How Fossils Overturned Evolution

Various Fossils

 mushroom, fossil
Age: 100 million years  old
Location: MyanSmar
Period: Cretaceous
The mushroom fossil pictured shows that 100 million years ago, these life forms were in existence with all their functions and characteristics fully present, and have not changed at all since then. In exactly the same way, millions of fossils unearthed since the mid-18th century reveal, that evolution never took place. Therefore, paleontologists who abandon their preconceptions must also abandon evolution and Darwinism, as is made clear in the book A Closer Loot at the Evidence:
“Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides of seeing evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is the presence of 'gaps' in the fossil record." Richard L. & Christina E. Kleiss, A Closer Look at the Evidence, Search for the Truth Publications, Mart 2004, p. January

soldier bettle, fossil
Soldier Beetle
Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
The beetle pictured, a member of the Cantharidae family, is important evidence that soldier beetles were using their same chemical defense mechanism 100 million years ago. According to a scientific paper published by Oregon University’s George Poinar, an authority on amber, specimens of insects that used chemical defenses had previously been discovered in the fossil record. For example, the poison sacs of various squids of the Jurassic period, soldier termites in Dominican ambers contained the defensive secretions. Other Dominican ambers had been discovered containing various kinds of worms that also employed a similar mechanism. But no such fossil specimen of that age of a soldier beetle using that mechanism had ever been encountered before.

If any living thing made full use of an exceptionally complex defense mechanism 100 million years ago—back when evolutionists maintain that life was supposedly very primitive—then it is of course impossible to use evolution to explain it.

This insect was fossilized while spraying its enemy with a defensivechemical secretion.

ant lion, fossil
Ant Lion
Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
According to evolutionists’ unscientific claims, butterflies and elephants, whales and ants, orchids and stinging nettles, human beings and fish all supposedly share the same common ancestor.
The fossil record is the most important evidence disproving that claim. Life forms are preserved exactly as they were tens of thousands, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years in the past. Thus fossils of life forms that once existed should show by what imaginary transitional stages they assumed their present forms. Traces of their so-called common ancestors should also be encountered. Yet no intermediate stages, nor any supposed common ancestors of the kind claimed by evolutionists, can be seen anywhere in the fossil record. Millions specimens like the 100-million-year-old ant lion pictured show that living things have always remained unchanged. In other words, the theory of evolution remains unproven.

scorpion, fossil
Scorpion Fly
Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
Evolutionist publications portray every new fossil discovery as supposedly supporting the theory of evolution. Reports that appear under such headlines as “Traces of Our Ancestors Found,” “Insect Evolution Finally Deciphered” or “Forerunner of the Fly Discovered,” but a close reading clearly reveals that nothing in these findings actually supports evolution at all. On the contrary, all the facts refute evolution. But the facts are dismissed by way of biased reporting, scientific truths are ignored, and fictitious Darwinist myths are repeated instead of the scientific realities.

However, it is no longer possible for the public to believe such fantasies. Countless fossils, like the specimen illustrated, have been exhibited, and the fact that the origin of life does not lie in evolution has been proven with indisputable evidence.